It's finally Summer and time to enjoy it. We started shipping new 2015 Gekkos in January and we've been on a roll, totally consumed with what's happening in the industry, building the best boats yet and trying to ski and ride in stolen moments. The reports from Gekko owners are encouraging, every week we get letters, emails and Facebook comments from Gekko owners sharing their fun and water sports stories with their Gekkos. Here are just a few:
Karen Lee Lanning "YAY! Love our Gekko, too!”
Brad Delano "I have at least a hundred hours behind 'em!!!!!!!”
Daniel Zurn "Best boat on the water!”
Zach Spencer "Love my Gekko Boat!!!!!!! Best on the water”
Dan Schroeder "Love my GTR 22”
Ann Burbidge "Can't wait to get back on the water! The new Gekkos are the coolest boats out there!”
Brian Heon "Boats look great! Like the new trailers with side guides!”
Ryan Hartl "Always loved the Revo’s”
Robert Thayer "Wow! Super cool!”
Chris Walker "That's why I love mine. Stand out among the crowd”
Zach Jachowicz "I love the joker graphics on my 2006 GTR. Gets looks and compliments every time! Just skied the last two nights here in WI behind it.”
Sylvain Laviolette "Would trade my 05 for this one awesome boat!!”
Michael Piche "Very cool. Love for Gekko is a passion”
Dan Burns "Can't wait to see the new GTS. My wife and I have one of the first generation and wouldn't trade it for anything, except maybe a new one, in yellow of course!”
Gekkos are a great source of the best family memories and fun on the water. Now's the time, get a Gekko and create the best Summer ever.